After qualifying for hostel admission merit list, you are advised to visit Warden Office with requisite documents. Admission offer is provisional, since merit list would be generated on the basis of data provided by your-selves and data shall be verified from your original documents at the time of hostel admission. However, minimum eligibility criteria for hostel-admission as laid down in the Admission Policy shall have to be maintained for the confirmation of admission.
The best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that withholding or giving false information shall make me ineligible for hostel-admission, future alltoment and may lead to a legal proceeding against me. I shall abide by all the rules and regulations of the university hostels including the rules to be framed from time to time by UOG and Halls Chair Council . I also certify that I am able to bear the expenses of the hostel of my interest.
I have read the hostel rules Please read hostel rules:Hostel Rules